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ERROR - Static variable in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Logging level for errors.
error(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Log a message on Logger.ERROR level.
EXACT - Static variable in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.imageprocessing.ExtentedImgproc
Exactly tracking fraction of pixels
ExactOrientationCorrectionOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the exactOrientationCorrection operation.
ExactOrientationCorrectionOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ExactOrientationCorrectionOperation
ExtendForHoughOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the extendForHough operation.
ExtendForHoughOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ExtendForHoughOperation
ExtendOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the extend operation.
ExtendOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ExtendOperation
ExtentedImgproc - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.imageprocessing
Extended methods in context of the Hough transform.
extractCurrentFeatures(Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.MemoryFeatureExtractor
Extract features for the current frame.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.ANHDFFeatureExtractor
Extracts ANHDF features (dimensionality: 4*featAnhdfSegmentNum.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.ConcavityFeatureExtractor
Extract concavity features based on 3x3 masks as defined by (Likforman-Sulem et. al., 2012).
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.DirectionalFeatureExtractor
Splits the input frame into cells with frame width and featRawCellHeight height.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.DistributionFeatureExtractor
Extract distributional features.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.FeatureExtractor
Extract features from the given frame.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.MemoryFeatureExtractor
Delegates feature extraction but maintain feature and frame history.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.RawFeatureExtractor
Splits the input frame into cells with frame width and featRawCellHeight height.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.RunlengthsFeatureExtractor
Splits the input frame into cells with frame width and featRawCellHeight height.
extractFeatures(Mat, Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.SnakeFeatureExtractor
Similar to ANHDF features Extracts ANHDF features (dimensionality: 4*featAnhdfSegmentNum.