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TeeOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the tee operation.
TeeOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.TeeOperation
TextSkewCorrectionOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the textSkewCorrection operation.
TextSkewCorrectionOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.TextSkewCorrectionOperation
thinning(Mat) - Static method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.imageprocessing.Geometry
Function for thinning the given binary image
ThinningOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the thinning operation.
ThinningOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ThinningOperation
ThresholdOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the threshold operation.
ThresholdOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ThresholdOperation
TransposeOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the transpose operation.
TransposeOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.TransposeOperation