Call for Papers
SemEval-2015 invites papers that describe participating systems (for task participants) and tasks (for task organizers). The only accepted formats for submitted papers is PDF. Papers should be submitted using the START system:
Submissions should use the ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files tailored for the NAACL'2015 conference, with which SemEval-2015 will be co-located; these style files are available at the following URL:
Paper submissions must be electronically submitted in PDF format and must conform to the official style guidelines provided in the PDF file below:
- Even if you have submitted to NAACL before, please read the guidelines regarding grayscale readability. NAACL is enforcing grayscale readability of all figure and graphics as an aid to the color-blind and to those reading papers printed on B&W printers.
- Paper reviewing will NOT be blind, so you can include authors' names, affiliations, and references in the submitted paper.
SemEval-2015 System Description Paper
Paper Title: The title should follow the pattern "<TEAM_ID> : <Paper Title>" where <TEAM_ID> is the team ID used when registering with SemEval-2015 and <Paper Title> is the title of your paper.
Page Limit: A system description paper has up to 4 pages of content + 2 pages for references. If a team participates in more than one task (note: subtasks are not tasks!), there are two options:
(a) If the same system (with some modifications) was used for the different tasks, there should be a single system description paper, where each additional task adds + 2 additional pages of content, up to a maximum of 8 pages of content, + 2 pages for references. As START asks to assign a paper to a single task the task that fits best should be selected.
(b) If the systems used for the different tasks are sufficiently different, participants can submit separate description papers for each task they participated in.
Papers should describe the methods used clearly, and in sufficient detail in order to ensure reproducibility.
The system papers will be reviewed by other task participants in the same task. We expect that task participants are happy to review papers within the same task.
NOTE: We strongly encourage respecting the above page limits, but we can allow up to two extra pages if there is strong motivation for including the additional content.
SemEval-2015 Task Description Paper
Paper Title: The title should follow the pattern "SemEval-2015 Task <NUMBER>: <TASK NAME>".
For example: "SemEval-2015 Task 3: Answer Selection in Community Question Answering"
Page Limit: Up to 8 pages + 2 pages for references
The schedule is very tight and the deadlines will be strictly followed:
Paper submission due: January 30, 2015 (GMT - 12:00) -
Paper reviews due: February 28, 2015 - Paper acceptance notification: March 5, 2015
- Camera ready due: March 30, 2015 (GMT - 12:00)