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ScaleOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the scale operation.
ScaleOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ScaleOperation
SCALING - Static variable in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.imageprocessing.ExtentedImgproc
Original method based on increasing scaling factors
segNum - Variable in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.ANHDFFeatureExtractor
set(String, int) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Set the value of a parameter.
set(String, float) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Set the value of a parameter.
set(String, String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Set the value of a parameter.
setContent(Mat) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Set individual content.
setIdxPrefix(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
setLevel(int) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Set logging level.
setLevel(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Set logging level using its name.
setParent(Individual, Rect) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Set a new parent.
setPopulation(Population) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Set the population this individual belongs to.
size() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Population
Get the number of individuals in the population.
SnakeFeatureExtractor - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat
This method tries to fit in paths of snakes.
SnakeFeatureExtractor(Configuration) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.feat.SnakeFeatureExtractor
SobelOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the sobel operation.
SobelOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.SobelOperation
SplitTextLinesOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the splitTextLines operation.
SplitTextLinesOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.SplitTextLinesOperation
SquareOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the square operation.
SquareOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.SquareOperation
store(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Write the content of this individual into a file.
store(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Population
Writes the population to the file system.
storeCsv(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Store the content as csv file (only the first channel).
SubtractMeanOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the subtractMean operation.
SubtractMeanOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.SubtractMeanOperation