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generateId(int) - Static method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.Operation
Generate string representation of ID given the numerical value.
Geometry - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.imageprocessing
Provides geometric functions.
getConfiguration() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.Operation
Get the configuration instance for this operation.
getContent() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
getFloat(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Get a floating point parameter.
getFullIndividualFileName(String, String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Population
Get the full name of the target file.
getGlobalConfiguration() - Static method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Get configuration singleton.
getIdxPrefix() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
getInputFileName() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Population
Get name of the original file.
getInteger(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Get a integer parameter.
getLevel() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Get the current logging level.
getParent() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
getParentRect() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
getPopulation() - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
getSingleton() - Static method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.io.Logger
Get logging singleton.
getString(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.Configuration
Get a string parameter.
getTargetFileName(String) - Method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.datastructures.Individual
Get the full target file name.
getType(Configuration) - Static method in class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.ThresholdOperation
Get the OpenCV descriptor for thresholding given the type parameter in the given configuration.
GlobalConfiguration - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui
This is the configuration for prepocressor.
GlobalConfiguration() - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.ui.GlobalConfiguration
GrayscaleOperation - Class in qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations
This class implements the grayscale operation.
GrayscaleOperation(String) - Constructor for class qa.qcri.prepocressor.operations.GrayscaleOperation