Implementation of the standard evaluation metrics as described in Dan Marcu's book.
Related publications
- Joty, Shafiq, Giuseppe Carenini, and Raymond T. Ng. CODRA: A Novel Discriminative Framework for Rhetorical Analysis. [PDF] [BibTeX]
title={CODRA: A Novel Discriminative Framework for Rhetorical Analysis},
author={Joty, Shafiq and Carenini, Giuseppe and Ng, Raymond T}
- Extract
- Run the perl script:
Perl ParsingAccuracyMeasuresDocLevelForSystems.pl path_to_sys_dir path_to_gold_dir res.out
The main perl script takes three arguments:
- Path to the directory with the system annotations:
The filenames should end with *. doc_dis, but you can change the code according to your need. Here is where you need to change:
my @canFiles = grep /\w+\.doc_dis/, readdir(DIR);
- Path to the Directory with the gold annotations:
It assumes that the file names are the same as the system outputs (e.g., *.doc_dis).
- The name of the output file:
In the output file, it shows the results for the individual documents as well as the summary.
A sample output file is attached. The parsed documents should have the same format as RST-DT.