Organizers and contact
STS English:
Eneko Agirre, University of the Basque Country
Daniel Cer, Google
Mona Diab, George Washington University
Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre, University of the Basque Country
Weiwei Guo, Columbia University
German Rigau, University of the Basque Country -
STS Spanish:
Carmen Banea, University of Michigan
Claire Cardie, Cornell University
Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan
Janyce Wiebe. University of Pittsburgh -
Pilot on interpretable STS:
Eneko Agirre, University of the Basque Country
Aitor Gonzalez-Agirre, University of the Basque Country
Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, University of the Basque Country
Montse Maritxalar, University of the Basque Country
German Rigau, University of the Basque Country -
Eneko Agirre
Carmen Banea (Spanish STS)
Mona Diab (English STS)
Montse Maritxalar (Interpretable STS)