Data and Tools




TEST DATA (including gold scores)




- SCRIPT FOR COMPUTING BASELINES (please read the script header for usage and documentation)


- TRAINING DATA (feel free to add the trial data to your training pool!)


- EVALUATION SCRIPT (note that a new version was added on March 11th)



Contact Info


  • Marco Marelli, University of Trento, Italy
  • Stefano Menini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • Marco Baroni, University of Trento, Italy
  • Luisa Bentivogli, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • Raffaella Bernardi, University of Trento, Italy
  • Roberto Zamparelli, University of Trento, Italy

email :

Other Info


  • We have released the primary runs submitted by participants. You can find them at the Data and Tools page.
  • We have released the general results summarizing the performances of the primary runs of all participating systems. You can found them at the 'Results' page
  • We have released the gold scores of the test set. They can be downloaded from the 'Data and tools' page
  • The test data have been released: you can find them in the 'Data and tools' page
  • We uploaded a new version of the evaluation script: you can find it in the 'Data and tools' page
  • We released a script for computing baselines: you can find it in the 'Data and tools' page
  • The train data and the evaluation script have been released: you can find them in the 'Data and tools' page
  • You can now register to the task at the 'SemEval 2014 website' .
  • Please note that we released a new version of the trial data on December 6th, after Johan Bos pointed out that the earlier release contained some repeated items (thanks Johan!). Nothing fundamental should hinge on the difference.
  • Trial data released: you can find them in the 'Data and tools' page