1. Team ID 2. Team affiliation 3. Contact information 4. Submission, i.e., ZIP file name 5. System specs - 5.1 Core approach - 5.2 Supervised or unsupervised - 5.3 Important/interesting/novel features used - 5.4 Important/interesting/novel tools used - 5.5 Significant data pre/post-processing - 5.6 Other data used (outside of the provided) - 5.7 Size of the training Twitter data used (some teams could only download part of the data) - 5.8 Did you participate in SemEval-2013 task 2? - 5.9 Did you participate in SemEval-2014 task 9? - 5.10 Did you participate in SemEval-2015 task 10? 6 References (if applicable)