TRIAL CORPORA FOR DIACHRONIC EVALUATION TASK SEMEVAL 2015 ========================================================= (Octavian Popescu May 2014) The technical details: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The resource was obtained by inspecting large archives of newspapers. Requirements/prerequisites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are no specific requirements. The packages contains text files with no special encoding. Install: ~~~~~~~~ unzip The directory trial contains three files, trialT1 , trialT2 and trialT3, each one containing the examples for task 1, 2 and 3 respectively (see webpage The following train and test corpora will contain exactly the same type of files. Specifications: The files trialT1 and trialT2 are organised in simple units, delimited by the "" and "" tags. Each unit contains three types of time interval and a piece of news. Each piece of news is introduced by a line containing the ID (unique for each piece of text) followed by three lines as exemplified below: " tag which signals the end of one text unit. In the test corpora the " system output: Please address your questions to the task organisers, see webpage or subscribe to our discussion group (details on the same web page).