Multilingual Semantic Textual Similarity


Semantic textual similarity (STS) has received an increasing amount of attention in recent years, culminating with the Semeval/*SEM tasks organized in 2012 and 2013, each bringing together more than 30 participating teams. While the focus to date has been on measuring the similarity of texts in English, we believe it is important to also develop and evaluate methods for text similarity in other languages. This is motivated by the growing number of documents available online and elsewhere which are written in languages other than English, as well as by the increased interest in computational linguistic resources and tools for other languages.


Thus, this year the Multilingual Semantic Text Similarity task will consist of two separate subtasks, one for English and one for Spanish. The English subtask is a continuation of the previous two iterations of the STS 2012 and 2013 tasks. Participating teams are encouraged to submit systems for both evaluations.


More detailed information pertaining to each subtasks is available at:

Contact Info

  • STS-En: admin-sts-en{at}googlegroups{dot}com
  • STS-Es: admin-sts-es{at}googlegroups{dot}com

Other Info
